Student Affiliation Application Form

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This application form should be used to apply for Student Affiliation with ACRP. Student registration is via ACRP’s Council for General Ministry Practitioners (CGMP). This category of affiliation is for students who are enrolled for a ministry or theological qualification while not yet professionally / occupationally involved in a ministry. A person who is already functioning as a pastor or other professional ministry capacity while studying, should apply for a designation on the relevant level. For information on the categories of affiliation, see Annexure 1. Please also read the ACRP General Information document, or visit


Home Address
Postal Address:
Email address used in communication with ACRP

Required by SAQA for statistical purposes:

Population Group:


A Student Affiliate is a person who is enrolled for a ministry / theological qualification while not yet occupationally / formally involved in a ministry
Are you currently involved in a ministry?
What is your involement ?
Nature of ministry:



Please attach to this application proof of registration at the training institution you are currently enrolled at. You also need to send proof of your annual reregistration until your studies are completed


  • I hereby apply to be registered as a Student Affiliate of ACRP and confirm that I am not yet professionally / formally involved in ministry and am currently enrolled for a ministry or theological qualification of which proof of my registration is attached. I agree to abide by ACRP’s Codes of Ethics and disciplinary processes.
  • Should I decide to cancel my affiliation, I will do so in writing. I agree to a notice period of three calendar months and understand that any monies already paid into the ACRP account will be non-refundable.
  • In joining ACRP as a Student Affiliate, I accept the responsibility to pay the prescribed affiliation fee annually (on the anniversary of my registration date) to remain in good standing.
  • I undertake to inform the ACRP office of any changes in my address or other contact information.
  • I have included the prescribed documents (see below) and have paid (or will immediately pay) the first year’s affiliation fee as referred to in Section 4 above, into the ACRP Bank Account (see bank account details below), using my ID number, initials and first letter of my surname as reference**.
  • I hereby declare that the information provided in this form is correct and can be verified on request.I also take note that the names and contact detail of affiliates are available to affiliates and partners of ACRP
  • I hereby give my permission that ACRP may use my contact information to send me their newsletter and otherinformation they deem appropriate. Should I not want my contact information to be available in this way, I will inform ACRP accordingly.


Note: The following must accompany the application and be kept on record by the WNL ACADEMY office:

  • Copy of your identity document or passport.
  • Copies of your previous training or qualification certificates, if applicable.
  • Copy of your student registration at the training institute you are currently enrolled at.

This registration is for WNL Training Academy students only!   

Students will not be allowed to partake in the workplace modules if the student affiliate membership is not in place.

Student Affiliate Membership Fee 2023

Application fee: R100 (R200 sponsored by Word and Life Church)
Annual Registration: R100 (must be paid annually)
Total fee payable (first time): R200

Note: Please take note that all the fee paid for the professional affiliation with ACRP is non-refundable.

Banking Details

WnL Network Academy
Nedbank Branch: Sunward Park
Code: 198 765
Account no: 119 075 6706