WNL Network NPC (Training Academy) is registered as  a Section 21 company, (Registration number:  2019/156676/08). We are accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupation

(QCTO, Accreditation number: QCTOSDP01190524-1652 / 07-QCTO/SDP261021-3320) as a Skills Development Provider (SDP), in accordance with the Skills Development Act (SDA), 1998, (Act No 97 of 1998) Chapter 6C Section 26J (b) and (e).

We are also an accredited member of the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP- Registration number: 19-05).

Association of Christian Religious Practitioners is a professional body recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in terms of section 13(1)(i)(ii) of the National Qualification Framework Act 67 of 2008.


1. Level 5 Qualification: (Christian Religious Professional)
NQF Level 5, SAQA ID: 101571, 237 Credits

2. Level 2 Qualification: Associate Religious Professional (Christian Religious Practitioner) NQF Level 2, SAQA ID: 101997, Credits 156, Curriculum Code: 263601004

3. Level 5 Qualification: Social Counselling Worker,
SAQA ID: 111142, NQF Level 5, Credits 143, Curriculum Code: 263501

4. Life Coaching
NQF Level 5, SAQA ID: SP-211001,  30 Credits

5. Marketing Coordinator 
NQF Level 5,SAQA ID: 118706, Credits 175

6. New Venture
NQF Level 2, SAQA ID: SP-210401, 32 Credits